4 days Mt. Meru Hiking

4 days Mt. Meru Hiking

4 days Mt. Meru Hiking

4 days Mt. Meru Hiking


Located to the east of Arusha town, about 20 kilometers drive from Arusha; Mount Meru is the second highest mountain in Tanzania. The mountain stands at an altitude of 4566 meters above sea level inside the Arusha National Park.

Meru has one route to the top and can be attempted for three days but we highly recommend doing for four days for acclimatization. Most alpines uses Meru for acclimatization before the Kilimanjaro climb. The mountain has less snow formed at the volcano eruption.

Unlike Kilimanjaro when you are climbing the Mount Meru you have to be escorted by an armed ranger(s) as you pass through

the Arusha National Park. It is at this time when you will enjoy the walking safari as you pass the groups of African buffaloes, Zebras, Black andwhite colobus monkey just little wildlife to mention.

The Momela and Ngurdoto Lakes are rich in birdlife as you trek to the mountain; birds like Pelicans and Flamingo are closely seen.


Day 0: Arrival Day

Upon arriving at Kilimanjaro International Airport you will be meeting with our representative. After greetings you will be transferred to Moshi town to a designated accommodation for hot shower and overnight.


Day 1 - Momella Gate (1500m) to Miriakamba (2500m)

Visitors spend a fist night at Miriakamba Accommodation Centre (2500m). From Momella Gate to Miriakamba There are two routes; Southern and Northern routes.

Southern route (road): takes 5 hours walk from Momella Gate to Mariakamba Accommodation Centre. Though this route, visitors have chances to see almost all mammals found in the forest including hornbill, Hartlaub’s turaco and birds of pray. It is possible to see several species of butterflies such as Mocker Swallow tailed, Soldier commodores, Blue Swallow tailed, Golden winged forester, Emperor, Mother of pearl, etc.

Visitors will pass through the montane forest where different features such as the Fig Tree Arch, Maio Waterfall, and different kind of vegetation such as Wild mango, Africa olive, Strangler Fig and Wild elder could be seen. At about 2300m the higher montane forest begins. Common trees are Juniper and Podo. The common beautiful wild flowers are Empetient species, Red hot pocker, Orchids, Fire ball lily and Gladiolus.

Northern route: Takes between 3-4 hours from Momella Gate to Mariakamba Accommodation Centre. This is the shorter and steeper route. Along this route the views of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Momella Lakes are spectacular. Common mammals along this route are Cape Buffalo, Maasai giraffe, Warthogs, Bushbuck, etc. Present birds are Hartlaub’s turaco, White Fronted Bee Eaters, Fiscal Shrike, Tropical Boubou, Stone chat, variable sun birds and Olive pigeon. Common beautiful wild flowers are Red hot pocker, Blue violet, Cynium, Tubalosum and Gladiolus.


Day 2 - Miriakamba to Saddle Accommodation Centre (3,750m)

It takes 3-4 hours. Along this portion of the route visitors do enjoy the spectacular view of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Momella Lakes, Meru crater, Ash cone, Mt. Meru diff and the little Meru. Though the forest, common animals include Buffalo, Bushbuck, Elephant, Block and Black & White Colobus.

Attractive wild flowers such as Empetient species, Red hot pocker, Orchids, Fire ball lily, Gladiolus, Giant Lobelia, Everlasting flowers (Helcrysum, Senecio and Alchemilla). Common Shrubs are Erica arboreas, Stoebe Kilimandscharica, Leonits nepatifolia, mosses and Lichens. The trail takes the visitors through striking tree species such as Hygenium abyssinica, Nuxia congesta, Podocarpus, and Hypericum tevolutum.

The ascend of Little Meru is possible even during the afternoon.


Day 3 - Saddle Accommodation Centre to Summit

Takes 5-6 hours. This is the place where visitors enjoy the most views of Mt. Kilimanjaro, little Meru, Meru Crater Ash cone, Momella Lakes, Cliff face, Meru summit, Ngorongoro crater highlands, Arusha town, sunrise and sunset.

Klipspringers and mountain Redbucks are seen over rocks. Birds like White naked raven, Beareded vultures, Lammerger, Stone chat, Cliff chat, Alpine swift, can be seen in this higher elevations. While walking along the trail to saddle it is possible to step on wild flowers like Alchemilla, Helicysum, and Iris flowers. The start for the summit is made early in the morning. After reaching the summit at 4566m visitors do walk all the way back to Miriakamba Accommodation Centre.


Day 4 - Miriakamba to Momella Gate

Visitors who went Through the shorter route while ascending, can descend via the longer route or vice versa. Hurrying-up while going down is not advisable. Please take your time to enjoy scenic beauty as well as occasional sightings of game.

Group price

What's Includes

  • Park fees, camping fees & rescue fees
  • 18% VAT on tour fees & services
  • Transportation to & from the mountain gate
  • Professional mountain guides, cooks and porters
  • 3 meals daily while on the mountain
  • Fair wages for the mountain crew as approved by the Arusha National Park Authority (ANAPA)
  • 2- way airport transfers
  • Supplemental Oxygen & Pulse Oximeter
  • 2 nights of accommodation

What’s not included

  • Flights
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Laundry Services
  • A doctor for the group
  • Tips to mountain crew

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