3 days Mt. Meru hiking

3 days Mt. Meru hiking

3 days Mt. Meru hiking

3 days Mt. Meru hiking


Located to the east of Arusha town, about 20 kilometers drive from Arusha; Mount Meru is the second highest mountain in Tanzania. The mountain stands at an altitude of 4566 meters above sea level inside the Arusha National Park.

Meru has one route to the top and can be attempted for three days but we highly recommend doing for four days for acclimatization. Most alpines uses Meru for acclimatization before the Kilimanjaro climb. The mountain has less snow formed at the volcano eruption.

Unlike Kilimanjaro when you are climbing the Mount Meru you have to be escorted by an armed ranger(s) as you pass through

the Arusha National Park. It is at this time when you will enjoy the walking safari as you pass the groups of African buffaloes, Zebras, Black andwhite colobus monkey just little wildlife to mention. The Momela and Ngurdoto Lakes are rich in birdlife as you trek to the mountain; birds like Pelicans and Flamingo are closely seen.


Day 1: Arrival Day

Upon arriving at Kilimanjaro International Airport you will be meeting with our representative. After greetings you will be transferred to Moshi town to a designated accommodation for hot shower and overnight.

Day 2 - Moshi - Momella gate - Miriakamba hut

After breakfast depart Moshi about 8:30 a.m drive to Momella gate. Make payment and start the climb with picnic lunch to the first hut called Miriakamba hut. Dinner and overnight – Miriakamba hut (3 ½ hrs).

Day 3: Miriakamba Hut - Saddle Hut

After breakfast we proceed with a climb to second hut called Saddle. This is too steep part compared to the first part (2 ½). During the afternoon, client can decide to attempt climbing little Meru peak and back. Dinner and overnight – Saddle hut.

Day 4 - Saddle Hut - Meru Peak - Momella Gate

Wake up at middle-night and have a cup of tea before starting attempt big Meru peak. Proceed to summit crossing rocky path and back to Saddle hut for full breakfast. Then short rest and leave Saddle hut and descend down to Momella gate via first hut (Miriakamba). On the way back you path though Momella Lakes for a game viewing to Moshi/Arusha

Group price

What's Includes

  • Park fees, camping fees & rescue fees
  • 18% VAT on tour fees & services
  • Transportation to & from the mountain gate
  • Professional mountain guides, cooks and porters
  • 3 meals daily while on the mountain
  • Fair wages for the mountain crew as approved by the Arusha National Park Authority (ANAPA)
  • 2- way airport transfers
  • Supplemental Oxygen & Pulse Oximeter
  • 2 nights of accommodation

What’s not included

  • Flights
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Laundry Services
  • A doctor for the group
  • Tips to mountain crew

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